You know that feeling of being outside of your body? It's like you're going through the motions of your day without registering what you are actually doing. Ever get to your destination and have no idea how you made it there? It can feel like you're watching a movie or like it is just one giant hazy fog that you are slow-motion walking through. That was me on and off for many years. Just floating in the air going from here to there depending on which way the wind was blowing.
What an awful way to live this life!
My solution was to nose dive into a big pile of information to find the secrets to reconnecting with myself. Not even kidding when I say that. I had piles of books and articles I read through as I attended webinars and listened to podcasts while tapping out my worries and repeating all my affirmations. Every thing that was recommended by the “experts” I tried. And you know what? They didn't do it for me. Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic practices out there that can completely shift your world and I highly recommend giving them a shot, all I'm saying is that for me they weren't the best fit.
So, what's a girl to do when she can't find the secret formula to reconnecting with her best self?
She creates it herself.
There are five things that I learned to do (and still do) every single day to land back in my body and reconnect with my inner truth. Simple, effective, and totally possible for you to do too.
Gratitude Lists:
I am a huge advocate for sending out buckets of gratitude. At the end of each day I write down five things that made my day a little easier, a little brighter, or brought me a little more awareness. Big, small, and anything in between. By recognizing and appreciating little flickers of goodness in our day we learn to become present and start to see the world with our eyes open instead of through that hazy fog. Honestly, try it. Your heart will ignite!
Me Time:
Again, huge advocate of this one. Me Time is essential in my day. The amount of time isn't as important as what you do with it. Some days I get in an hour, other days I can only carve out 5 minutes. Whatever the amount of time I make sure that it is 100% devoted to me. Me Time is all about honoring yourself. It is a mix of self-care, self-love, and pure joy. What do I do during my Me Time? Sometimes I go for a walk, sometimes I curl up on the couch and get lost in a book. Other times I turn off all my electronics, grab a cup of coffee and savor every drop of it in uninterrupted silence. Me Time is about spending time with yourself doing something that makes you happy. Don't think about your to-do list, don't worry about the future or the past, simply be in the moment with yourself and indulge in some always well-deserved TLC.
Check Ins With Myself:
One of the biggest discoveries I made during my dive into Life Coaching was that I had no idea how I felt at any given time. Like no idea. I worked in the grey land of “I'm good” when asked how I was. What does good even mean? Being aware of my feelings has become so important in connecting with myself. There's a difference between feeling mad and feeling frustrated and if I can't recognize which one is moving around inside of me how can I relieve that energy tension? As I go through my day, here and there I stop and ask myself “How do I feel?” I don't jump to “fix” the feeling, I simply acknowledge its presence and I carry on. That awareness of my feelings plugs me back into my being and gives me a sense of control which is important to me. Check in with yourself right now, how do you feel? And now knowing how you feel, how does that make you feel? Knowledge is power my friend!
Mindful Breathing:
When I began practicing yoga I learned how amazing our breath really is. Most of the time we are unaware of the air moving in and our of our bodies and can take that gift of life for granted. I was totally one of those people before I stepped on my mat. One of my favorite breathing techniques that I have brought into my day-to-day life is called Ujjayi breath. All it is is deep breathing through in and out your nose. You inhale filling the lower belly up to the rib cage all the way up to the throat and then you exhale reversing the order until all the air has left your body. When you bring all your attention to your breath the rest of the world fades away. It is just you and your breath. Talk about connection! Anytime I feel stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed or any other too much to handle emotion I flip to my Ujjayi breath and instantly I calm down. I connect with my inner self, I find control, and I am ready to carry on. I know this one might seem a little strange, but try it for one day. When you start to feel any negative leaning feeling bring your attention to your breath. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
Daydreaming has always been a big part of my life. I grew up with a crazy imagination and it is something that I tap into every day. It is so important for me to let my mind go free and think about the "what ifs" and the "maybes" and even the "I wish". Daydreaming does a number of thumbs up things for me: I can go on adventures, get creative, hang out with my inner child, develop goals, recognize my true hopes, and really listen to what my inner being is telling me. I often gets hits of inspiration that influence my next step or my response to an invitation. Our minds are our playgrounds. Take advantage of the incredible world that lives in your head. Hang out there for a while each day and you will start to feel that connection to yourself grow stronger and stronger.
There you have it! Five easy yet effective things to do every day to reconnect to your inner awesome. All of these little actions have helped me in so many ways and they might just help you too. And if not, oh well! Just like other practices didn't do it for me, these might not fit you. But at least give them a try.
Try writing out a gratitude list right now. What are you grateful for? How are you feeling in this exact moment? Inhale and feel your breath travel into your body then exhale and release it all out. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, no money or time limits, where would you go?
Did you answer and do the above? Guess what, you just had some Me Time. See how easy it can be? And if they don't feel right toss them aside. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution for reconnecting with yourself. Let me know how it goes and I can help you find other options to try if you are looking for more.
Surround yourself with the things that make your life better. Things that support you, inspire you, lift you up and motivate you to go higher. Sprinkle a few of them into your day and plug into your inner awesome.